Consult the DIR3 codes of Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha to make an electronic invoice
Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha
Basic information
- NIF (CIF): ESS1911001D
- Pza. del Conde, 2
- 45071 Toledo
- Toledo
- Spain
- See the map
- Invoice delivery method
- Transport: FACe
- Document type: FacturaE 3.2
Organisational units | Accounting office | Management body | Processing unit |
Agencia Del Agua De Castilla-la Mancha | A08014327 | A08013819 | A08013819 |
CENTRO ACOGIDA MENORES EL PASICO | A08005147 | A08005920 | A08005920 |
CENTRO DE MENORES ARCO IRIS | A08005147 | A08005917 | A08005917 |
CENTRO REGIONAL DE MENORES ALBAIDEL | A08005147 | A08005916 | A08005916 |
CONSEJO CONSULTIVO DE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA | A08005147 | I00000178 | I00000178 |
Consejo Consultivo De Castilla-la Mancha * Consejo Consultivo De Castilla-la Mancha | A08014327 | A08016372 | A08016372 |
Delegacion Provincial Consejeria Sanidad Albacete | A08014327 | A08027354 | A08027354 |
Delegacion Provincial Consejeria Sanidad Ciudad Real | A08014327 | A08027355 | A08027355 |
Delegacion Provincial Consejeria Sanidad Guadalajara | A08014327 | A08027357 | A08027357 |
Delegacion Provincial Consejeria Sanidad Toledo | A08014327 | A08027358 | A08027358 |
Direccion General Accion Social Y Cooperacion | A08014327 | A08014337 | A08014337 |
Direccion General Asistencia Sanitaria | A08014327 | A08015065 | A08015065 |
Direccion General Atencion A La Dependencia | A08014327 | A08014336 | A08014336 |
Direccion General Calidad Y Humanizacion De La Asistencia Sanitaria | A08014327 | A08014302 | A08014302 |
Direccion General Comunicacion | A08014327 | A08013642 | A08013642 |
Direccion General Coordinacion Y Planificacion | A08014327 | A08013636 | A08013636 |
Direccion General Funcion Publica | A08014327 | A08014296 | A08014296 |
Direccion General Juventud Y Deportes | A08014327 | A08014350 | A08014350 |
Direccion General Planificacion Territorial Y Sostenibilidad | A08014327 | A08013664 | A08013664 |
Direccion General Planificacion, Ordenacion E Inspeccion Sanitaria | A08014327 | A08014301 | A08014301 |
Direccion General Politica Financiera, Tesoreria Y Fondos Comunitarios | A08014327 | A08014295 | A08014295 |
Direccion General Presupuestos | A08014327 | A08014291 | A08014291 |
Direccion General Programas De Empleo | A08014327 | A08013841 | A08013841 |
Direccion General Programas, Atencion A La Diversidad Y Formacion Profesional | A08014327 | A08014347 | A08014347 |
Direccion General Promocion Institucional | A08014327 | A08013635 | A08013635 |
Direccion General Recursos Humanos | A08014327 | A08015067 | A08015067 |
Direccion General Recursos Humanos Y Planificacion Educativa | A08014327 | A08014345 | A08014345 |
Direccion General Salud Publica | A08014327 | A08027181 | A08027181 |
Direccion General Trabajo, Formacion Y Seguridad Laboral | A08014327 | A08013842 | A08013842 |
Direccion General Tributos Y Ordenacion Del Juego | A08014327 | A08014292 | A08014292 |
Direccion General Turismo, Comercio Y Artesania | A08014327 | A08013845 | A08013845 |
Direccion General Universidades, Investigacion E Innovacion | A08014327 | A08014349 | A08014349 |
Direccion Provincial Del Instituto De La Mujer Albacete | A08014327 | A08016378 | A08016378 |
Direccion Provincial Del Instituto De La Mujer Ciudad Real | A08014327 | A08016379 | A08016379 |
Direccion Provincial Del Instituto De La Mujer Cuenca | A08014327 | A08016380 | A08016380 |
Direccion Provincial Del Instituto De La Mujer Guadalajara | A08014327 | A08016381 | A08016381 |
Direccion Provincial Del Instituto De La Mujer Toledo | A08014327 | A08016382 | A08016382 |
Gerencia De Coordinacion E Inspeccion | A08014327 | A08016747 | A08016747 |
Gerencia De Urgencias, Emergencias Y Transporte Sanitario | A08014327 | A08016828 | A08016828 |
GESTION FACTURA ELECTRONICA CENTRO ACTIV. CULT. AB50 | A08005147 | A08006296 | A08006296 |
Instituto De La Mujer De Castilla-la Mancha | A08014327 | A08016374 | A08016374 |
Instituto De Las Ciencias De La Salud | A08014327 | A08014321 | A08014321 |
Instituto De Promocion Exterior De Castilla-la Mancha | A08016373 | A08016373 | A08016373 |
Intervencion General De La Junta De Comunidades | A08014327 | A08014327 | A08014327 |
Secretaria Consejeria Bienestar Social | A08014327 | A08014334 | A08014334 |
Secretaria Delegacion Provincial Junta Comunidades Castilla-la Mancha Albacete | A08014327 | A08014093 | A08014093 |
Secretaria Delegacion Provincial Junta Comunidades Castilla-la Mancha Ciudad Real | A08014327 | A08014100 | A08014100 |
Secretaria Delegacion Provincial Junta Comunidades Castilla-la Mancha Cuenca | A08014327 | A08014107 | A08014107 |
Secretaria Delegacion Provincial Junta Comunidades Castilla-la Mancha Guadalajara | A08014327 | A08014114 | A08014114 |
Secretaria Delegacion Provincial Junta Comunidades Castilla-la Mancha Toledo | A08014327 | A08014121 | A08014121 |
Secretaria General Consejeria De Hacienda Y Administraciones Publicas | A08014327 | A08014290 | A08014290 |
Secretaria General De Economía, Empresas Y Empleo | A08014327 | A08013705 | A08013705 |
Secretaria General Educacion, Cultura Y Deportes | A08014327 | A08014340 | A08014340 |
Secretaria General Fomento | A08014327 | A08013661 | A08013661 |
Secretaria General Sanidad | A08014327 | A08014297 | A08014297 |
Secretaria General Sescam | A08014327 | A08015062 | A08015062 |
Viceconsejeria De Administracion Local Y Coordinacion Administrativa | A08014327 | A08014300 | A08014300 |
Viceconsejeria De Medio Ambiente | A08014327 | A08014278 | A08014278 |
What is FACe?
FACe is the General Point of Entry of electronic invoices of the General Administration of the Spanish State. It is a single entry point for these documents and is valid for all autonomous communities.
The format supported by FACe is Facturae, with the obligation to specify the DIR3 codes.
B2Brouter is connected with FACe, so your invoices will be sent to the Point of Entry directly and automatically. In this way you can also be informed of the status of your invoice through our notification system.
What are the DIR3 codes?
The DIR3 codes are three mandatory data that must be specified in the electronic invoices issued to the public administrations of Spain. The 3 codes correspond to Managing Body, Processing Unit and Accounting Office.
In B2Brouter's directory you can find the verified DIR3 codes of Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha as well as those of other public administrations.
Other users have searched
When is it mandatory to make an electronic invoice?
In Spain, electronic invoicing has been mandatory since 2015 for suppliers of the public administration (Town Councils, Regional Governments, Generalitat, Health Services, Universities, etc.). Companies or freelancers that are subcontractors or contractors of public contracts must also issue their invoices in electronic format through the FACeB2B system.
For the public sector, invoices must be sent in Facturae format and electronic invoices must be sent through the appropriate Entry Point.
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