Send electronic invoice to Boomertel Ltd

With B2Brouter you can send electronic invoices to Boomertel Ltd via شبكة بيبول and successfully generate the electronic invoice in Peppol BIS3 Invoice format with the built-in mandatory Peppol ID code.

Send electronic invoice to Boomertel Ltd

Consult the Peppol ID of Boomertel Ltd to make an electronic invoice

Boomertel Ltd

إنسخ الرابط

معلومات اساسية

  • ΦΠΑ: CY10306640L
  • Nicosia
  • قبرص
Invoice delivery method
نقل: شبكة بيبول
نوع الوثيقة: Peppol BIS3 Invoice
Participant ID
Technical information
SMP lookup error
Participant ID not found

What is شبكة بيبول?

Peppol is the open network that has been established for the exchange of electronic documents in Europe (and increasingly in countries such as Australia and New Zealand) that allows the sending of electronic invoices from both of companies to public administrations as between the own private companies. The different countries where Peppol is deployed may have different legal requirements, but they all conform to the established standard format.

The standard Peppol format is Peppol BIS3 , and it is mandatory to specify the Peppol Participant ID of the client to be registered with a network registration service called SMP.

B2Brouter is an accredited Peppol Access Point (AP) and Service Metadata Publisher (SMP), so your invoices and other electronic documents can be sent to and received from any member of the Peppol network directly and transparently. Besides, as a B2Brouter member we always record the ability to receive invoice status change notifications, so that you are always informed of the process status of your invoice.

What is a Peppol ID?

In order to receive invoices or other electronic documents through شبكة بيبول, it is mandatory to indicate the receiver's Peppol ID, which is a unique identifier for each company or institution registered in this network. If you need to issue an invoice via شبكة بيبول you will need to specify your customer's Peppol ID in the invoice in order to be able to send and process it correctly.

In the B2Brouter directory you can find the Peppol ID verified by Boomertel Ltd and those of other companies registered with شبكة بيبول.