Send electronic invoice to Ayuntamiento de Málaga

With B2Brouter you will be able to send electronic invoices to Ayuntamiento de Málaga through FACe and correctly generate your electronic invoice in FacturaE 3.2 format with the mandatory DIR3 codes incorporated: Accounting Office, Processing Unit and Management Body.

Send electronic invoice to Ayuntamiento de Málaga

Consult the DIR3 codes of Ayuntamiento de Málaga to make an electronic invoice

Ayuntamiento de Málaga

Basic information

  • NIF (CIF): ESP2906700F
  • Avenida de Cervantes, 4
  • 29016 Málaga
  • Málaga
  • Spain
  • See the map
Invoice delivery method
Transport: FACe
Document type: FacturaE 3.2
Organisational units Accounting office Management body Processing unit
Accesibilidad (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000309
Alcaldía (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000289
ÁREA DE TURISMO LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000281
Asesoría Jurídica (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000291
Calidad y Modernización (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000294
Comercio (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000298
Comunicación (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000292
Contratación y Compras(Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000397
Coordinación de Distritos LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0016699
Coordinación General de Infraestructuras y Proyectos LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0017439
Coordinación General de Urbanismo y Vivienda (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0023779
Cultura (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000279
Deporte (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000282
Derechos Sociales (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000312
Economía Productiva LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0012029
ECONOMÍA Y HACIENDA LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0016679
Educación (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000283
Escuela de Seguridad Pública (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000307
Extinción de Incendios y Salvamento (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000306
Gestión de Alquiler-IMV (Ayto. Málaga) LA0000599 LA0000584 GE0000538
Gestión de Personal-IMV (Ayto. Málaga) LA0000599 LA0000584 GE0000539
Gestión Económica-IMV (Ayto. Málaga) LA0000599 LA0000584 GE0000540
Gestión Promocional-IMV (Ayto. Málaga) LA0000599 LA0000584 GE0000537
Igualdad de Oportunidades (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000314
Instituto Municipal de la Vivienda (Ayto. Málaga) LA0000599 LA0000584 GE0000535
Intervención General (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000297
Junta Municipal de Distrito Bailén Miraflores Nº 4 (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000318
Junta Municipal de Distrito Carretera de Cádiz Nº 7 (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000322
Junta Municipal de Distrito Centro Nº 1 (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000315
Junta Municipal de Distrito Ciudad Jardín Nº 3 (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000317
Junta Municipal de Distrito Cruz de Humilladero Nº 6 (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000320
Junta Municipal de Distrito de Campanillas Nº 9 (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000326
Junta Municipal de Distrito de Churriana Nº 8 (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000323
Junta Municipal de Distrito de Teatinos Nº 11 (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000337
Junta Municipal de Distrito Este Nº 2 (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000316
Junta Municipal de Distrito Palma Palmilla Nº 5 (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000319
Junta Municipal de Distrito Puerto de la Torre Nº 10 (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000331
Jurado Tributario (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000293
Juventud (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000284
Medio Ambiente (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000288
Nuevas Tecnologías (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000303
Participación Ciudadana (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000313
Personal, Organización y Medicina Laboral (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000396
Playas (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000287
Policía Local (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000305
Programas Europeos (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000295
Protección Civil LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0014747
Régimen Interior (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000286
Rehabilitación Centro Histórico-IMV (Ayto. Málaga) LA0000599 LA0000584 GE0000536
Rehabilitación y Gestión de Parques Empresariales (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000300
Relaciones Internacionales (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000308
Secretaría General (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000290
Secretaría General Técnica de JGL (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0018819
Servicios Operativos (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000285
Tesorería (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000296
Tráfico (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000310
Transporte (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0000311
Tribunal Administrativo de Recursos Contractuales (Ayto. Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0022419
UT2 - SERVICIOS OPERATIVOS LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0021161
Ut2 Derechos Sociales (Ayuntamiento de Málaga) LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0021141
UT2 ECONOMÍA Y HACIENDA LA0001463 LA0001142 GE0020820

What is FACe?

FACe is the General Point of Entry of electronic invoices of the General Administration of the Spanish State. It is a single entry point for these documents and is valid for all autonomous communities.

The format supported by FACe is Facturae, with the obligation to specify the DIR3 codes.

B2Brouter is connected with FACe, so your invoices will be sent to the Point of Entry directly and automatically. In this way you can also be informed of the status of your invoice through our notification system.

What are the DIR3 codes?

The DIR3 codes are three mandatory data that must be specified in the electronic invoices issued to the public administrations of Spain. The 3 codes correspond to Managing Body, Processing Unit and Accounting Office.

In B2Brouter's directory you can find the verified DIR3 codes of Ayuntamiento de Málaga as well as those of other public administrations.

When is it mandatory to make an electronic invoice?

In Spain, electronic invoicing has been mandatory since 2015 for suppliers of the public administration (Town Councils, Regional Governments, Generalitat, Health Services, Universities, etc.). Companies or freelancers that are subcontractors or contractors of public contracts must also issue their invoices in electronic format through the FACeB2B system.

For the public sector, invoices must be sent in Facturae format and electronic invoices must be sent through the appropriate Entry Point.

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